If your Nanny or Manny utilizes their own vehicle during work hours, like school drop-off and pick-up, play-dates, sport activities or running errands for your family, they are entitled to mileage reimbursement. Beginning on January 1, 2023, the new mileage reimbursement rate is: It does
A Nanny is not a Housekeeper
I personally believe that this is a topic not spoken of and addressed enough; and therefore I decided to write this Blog post. So let's get it clear...for once and for all: a Nanny is not a Housekeeper! I regularly receive a phone call from a family who are seeking a Nanny [slash]
Offer Employment Benefits to your Nanny
Nannies are a valuable part of your family; and should receive the same job benefits as any other profession. Being a Nanny isn't "just a babysitting gig" - this is an actual job! When you hire a Nanny, it is extremely important to offer employment benefits to her. Think about it…She has one of